Smile Makers The Surfer: Small Bullet Vibrator for Women
9.8 x 3cm
Lipstick Vibrator, Clitoral Stimulation, Soft & Precise Touch
-Lipstick-Vibrator, Klitoris-Stimulation, weiche und präzise Berührung
A small, powerful and super quiet clitoral vibrator,
made with the softest silicone.
Its rounded head with little fins on it will surely bring you delicious shivers.
Phthalate-free, it is completely safe for your body.
This compact clit vibrator is a powerful and gifted player, who knows how to get you there.
Apply its rounded head with the little fins on it on your clitoris,
and play with its 3 speeds and its pulsation mode to increase the stimulation.
Let the wave of pleasure roll you over!
-Smooth Silicone
-3 Speeds, 1 Pulsation Mode
-A Discreet sex toy
- Body Safe 100% Waterproof
- very easy to clean
- AAA Battery for 4 hours of fun (not included)
Ein kleiner, leistungsstarker und superleiser Klitorisvibrator,
hergestellt aus dem weichsten Silikon.
Sein abgerundeter Kopf mit kleinen Flossen darauf wird Ihnen sicherlich köstliche Schauer bescheren.
Phthalat-frei, ist es völlig sicher für Ihren Körper.
Dieser kompakte Klitorisvibrator ist ein kraftvoller und begabter Spieler, der weiß, wie er dich zum Höhepunkt bringt.
Setzen Sie seinen abgerundeten Kopf mit den kleinen Flossen auf Ihre Klitoris,
und spielen Sie mit seinen 3 Geschwindigkeiten und seinem Pulsationsmodus, um die Stimulation zu erhöhen.
Lass dich von der Welle der Lust überrollen!
-Glattes Silikon
-3 Geschwindigkeiten, 1 Pulsationsmodus
-Ein diskretes Sexspielzeug
- Body Safe 100% wasserdicht
- sehr leicht zu reinigen
- AAA-Batterie für 4 Stunden Spaß (nicht enthalten)

One rainy weekend in April 2002, the co-founder felt adventurous and walked into a sex shop to buy a vibrator, but was truly disappointed.
Why was everything so tasteless and offensive? It felt unfair to women. They studied the market and were amazed – in the UK, there are more women who have a vibrator at home, than households with a dishwasher.
Elsewhere, 50% of women use vibrators and two thirds of the rest want to try. They also discovered that 80% of women experience pain during sex due to vaginal dryness, but less than 4% like the traditional lubricants available.
Two simple facts became evident; first, demand for sexual wellbeing products is universal and second, the shopping environment, product design and quality were alarmingly unappealing the world over. No brand was speaking respectfully to women.
They left their safe careers, decided to make a difference and in 2013, Smile Makers was launched. The idea was simple – the best product experience, a brand that women can love, promoted and sold in everyday environments.